先看一篇自由時報的讀者投書: 中國併吞台灣學術成就


偶然在著名的學術期刊網站上Science Direct上發現近期Elsevier 公司將數個以華語發行的學術刊物彙整為「中國選輯」,其網頁上特別提到:

The Science Direct China Collection is a series of prestigious Chinese science, technology and medical journals never before disseminated outside of China. (Elsevier的Science Direct 中新增China Collection是收錄一系列著名的中國科學、技術與醫學期刊,這些期刊從未在中國以外的地區發行)。摘錄自http://info.sciencedirect.com/content/journals/china/

目前該網站上已經有二十二種期刊被收錄於「中國選輯」中,另外還有十三種期刊被列入 Coming soon (即將發行)的清單,仔細看看該清單,裡面有幾個香港發行的期刊,想想香港已成為中國的一部份,當然不足為奇,沒想到看到最後居然發現兩個知名的台灣醫學 期刊《Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology (台灣婦產科醫學會會刊雜誌)》與《The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences (高雄醫學科學雜誌)》,居然也被列入Coming soon的清單中,更弔詭的是,該網頁還強調「這些期刊均未曾在中國以外發行」。



筆者非常希望藉由此文引起台灣學術人士對此訊息的重視,若您也與筆者一同感到困惑與不滿,請您也試著到Science Direct網站http://sciencedirect.com/science/contactus/留下您的看法與意見。

中國對台灣的打壓在政治經濟外交各方面都不遺餘力, 現在甚至連學術領域都要伸出他們的髒手, 台灣學術界努力的成果難道就該被這樣移花接木, 不費吹灰之力就成為中國人的?

除了上述提到的兩個期刊, 總共有五種醫學方面的學術期刊都被列入
Journal of Chinese Medical Association 中華醫學期刊
Journal of Formosan Medical Association 台灣醫誌
Journal of Medical Ultrasound 醫用超音波雜誌
Taiwanese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 台灣婦產科醫學會會刊雜誌
The Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences 高雄醫學科學雜誌

小偷, 小偷!!

寫信抗議去, 叫他們弄個台灣選集!

去函抗議後隔天一早收到回覆, 內容如下, 有部分我特別用紅色標示, 看來同志仍需努力啊!!!

Dear Ms Tiffany

Thank your for your opinion. We appreciate your effort to give us your feedback.

According to Dr Paul Evans, Vice President, Elsevier Science &Technology, China

The China Collection has been launched just recently in March. We are still working on our market presence online. Within the coming period, you will see that we will make clear distinctions between the origins of titles through subgroups for Taiwan, Hong Kong etc.. and for Mainland China. We are continuing to refine the presentation of our new offering.
We hope we can persuade you to have a look at the content of the collection. Our purpose of launching this collection is to bring regional scientific content under the eyes of the international scientific community. The company intends to do what it does best: looking for ways to disseminate important, high quality scientific content to all scientists in the world.

Linda Kwok
RSO Asia Pacific


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